Saturday, 21 May 2011

Anti Binge/Purge Tactics

Don't Binge!!!

In order to stop the cycle it only makes sense to prevent the cause. So here's my list of things that will help me from binging.

  • Read this page over and over until it sinks in
  • Don't starve yourself (would be irresponsible for me not to add that)
  • Remove yourself from stressful situations
  • Go for a drive or a walk
  • Don't suppress your feelings, let people know if something is bothering you
  • Think about what you're really 'hungry' for, what it is you really want, what is it that's really bothering you
  • Breathe
  • If you eat more than your daily allowance for the love of God don't say "fuck it", because believe it or not eating more will make you feel a hundred times worse.
  • Every time you stretch your stomach to the limit you're tearing the tissue, which leads to dead cells or causing your stomach to rupture = death :O !
  • Think about how terrible you will feel after the binge
  • Remember all the hard work you've put into recovery. 
  • Take a long hot bath instead
  • Read a book
  • Surf the net
  • Paint your nails
  • Get out of the house, get out of the kitchen!
  • Call a friend
  • Have a cup of tea
  • Food will always be there, do you really need it NOW NOW NOW?
  • Sleep
  • Blog
  • Brush your teeth
  • Have a cigarette
  • Give yourself a facial
  • Don't let yourself get bored
  • Write down the list of foods that you think you would possibly binge on or would like to binge on, and add up all the calories that would potentially be consumed and the money spent if you were do buy these foods; if you like put that money away for a future reward for not giving into the binge! 

If all else fails and I do binge, I must remember there are other ways in which I can handle the situation.

  • Take a walk. Get out the house.
  • STOP! Think about what you're doing
  • People die from purging, do you want to be known as the girl who died with a toothbrush down her throat
  • The bill from the dentist really hurts as well
  • Breathe, it's not the end of the world
  • Have a cigarette and evaluate the situation, what can you do that will make you feel better, besides purging OBVIOUSLY, because ultimately that won't make you feel any better
  • Sleep
  • Cry if you want to ;)
  • Consider how long you've gone without purging, and we all know how much you love to break a record
  • Purging does not rid yourself of all the calories, and the damage it does to your health is far worse then any weight gain.
  • Purging is toxic and addictive, don't give in.

Write your own list of things that may help you to stop binging; try and making positive changes and not create or manifest negative disordered behaviours!

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Thursday-19/05/11-Thankful Thursday-Rachel-How Can I "be" in My Body

Want to feel safe in your own skin?
Do you want to appreciate your body and feel good about yourself?

After tonight's chat, this video seemed to have even more power.
We discussed not feeling good inside ourselves and our bodies.
So hopefully this can be some reassurance !

Bill of Emotional Rights

Picture of your emotional bill of rights

Check out here....
You fill in your own....
Post them below :)

I had these from a friend's therapist:

Bill of Emotional Rights:

-You have the right to put yourself first sometimes.
-You have the right to make mistakes.
-You have the right to be the final judge of your feelings and accept that as legitimate.
-You have the right to have your own opinions and convictions.
-You have the right to change your mind or decide on a different course of action.
-You have the right to protest unfair treatment or criticism.
-You have a right to ask for help or emotional support.
-You have a right to feel and express pain.
-You have a right to ignore the advice from others.
-You have a right to receive formal recognition for your work and achievements.
-You have a right to say "no."
-You have a right to be alone, even if others would prefer your company.
-You have a right not to have to justify yourself to others.
-You have a right not to always worry about the goodwill of others.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Book Recommendations

I added a section where I am going to try to build up a really worthwhile book list.
I have read a lot of books over the years I am trying to only put those up that have made a real difference to me.
So I will keep trying to expand on that.
If you have any yourself, do post them here and I can add them :)

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Thursday-12/05/11-Thankful Thursday-Rachel-Making Choices With Treatment

This week:

I discuss treatment with regards to when we first access treatment and how that feels.
I try to advice on how to gauge whether treatment is successful or helpful for you, and offer support on the reasons why this may be, or not be, the case.
I also discuss when to know if we have had enough treatment and some of the steps towards reducing therapeutic intervention.