Friday, 30 December 2011

Friday-30/12/11- Rachel - Ending Christmas and Starting New Year

Today I am discussing the end of Christmas and this middle period into New Year.
The end of Christmas can be exhausting and difficult, and the prospect of a New Year overwhelming and scary.
Yet, there are positives to be found :)
I hope you have all enjoyed your Christmas and found some pleasure and I look forward to the journey that lies ahead in 2012.

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Thursday-22/12/11- Thankful Thursday-Rachel-You Can Get Through Christma...

The Christmas period can be a really tough time when you have an eating disorder (in recovery from) or even have other issues such as anxiety, and social anxiety problems.
There tends to be an over focus on drink, food and parties.
BUT with some time, some thought and even some planning, you can enjoy it.
You can see it as *another* day but also one that as long as you remember to breath, you can get through.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Tuesday-20/12/11-Triumphant Tuesday-Rachel-Body Checking as a Behaviour

Today I have looked at the topic of body checking.
This might seem like an odd behaviour to explore, yet it is something everyone with an Eating Disorder will have experienced.
Body checking behaviours include excessive weighing, measuring body parts, trying on clothes compulsively, but also avoidance behaviours such as not looking in mirrors, avoiding clothes shopping and many more.
This is a fascinating topic (and hopefully video) as it is yet another behaviour that adds to the complexity of Eating Disorders.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Rachel is Catching Up :) SMART goal setting

SMART goals
S (specific)
M (measurable)
A (achievable)
R (realistic and resourced)
T (time limited)

I discuss this method of goal setting with regards to a *goal* in an Eating Disorder and a goal in reducing self harm.

Allow Yourself to Live ♥

By archi

I think it is very easy for us to let life pass us by.
To exist in a place that feels safe.
Caged into a mindset and home, or an environment, that feels safe.
And whilst living needs to contain safety and security, there comes a time when that safety and security becomes the one thing that holds us back.

If we allow ourselves to remain trapped in our own heads, we are closing so many doors that could potentially take us out of our self made box.,

I remember the comfort of four walls.
The same four walls surrounding me.
Nothing mattered more than the four walls I contained myself in.

In that place, mindset, life becomes even scarier.
We fear the outside, and even more so when we continue to close ourselves down.
The thing is, is that life is for living.

There are times when we cannot do that.
And I appreciate that it is not as simple as just *living*
Yet, you have a choice, even if that choice is to allow trusting another.
An example is trusting your treatment team (if you have one) and the things they say.

The truth of it all is that you do deserve to live.
And whilst you may not feel that now, life is there for you.
And maybe you need to let go a little and explore how amazing potential recovery can be  ♥

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Rachel is Catching Up :) Toolbox and Traffic Lights

I have had no webcam and endless technology issues!
BUT! I am back ;)
Today I am looking at a toolbox in recovery, but with a twist.
I look at a toolbox from the perspective of a "traffic light" poster.
Whereby at various stages of distress and illness, we may use different sets of tools.
I hope you enjoy :)