Thursday, 26 January 2012

Thursday - 26/01/12 - Thankful Thursday - Rachel - The Transition from I...

This weeks video is looking at the transition from illness/sickness into a place of health and recovery.
The idea of change and even changing is very overwhelming at times and can all feel too much.
Often you may ask what am I or who am I without my Eating Disorder.
We might wonder what else is there except my Eating Disorder?
If we slowly introduce positive activities and distractions we start to build a life outside of our illness.
We are all more than an Eating Disorder.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Distract With Positivity

Pinned Image

This is a resource one of the members of the H.O.P.E group shared.
It is called "Pinterest"
Check it out :)

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Friday-20/01/12-Fabulous Friday-Rachel-Assessing Our Vulnerabilities and...

I discuss the fact that as people and as those who suffer and are in recovery, we may be vulnerable to the persistent messages put out there by a number of sources.
Many Eating Disorder sufferers also struggle with elements of Body Dysmorphic Disorder and this can make us even more susceptible to ideas/protects/views that we need *something* to feel better, be better, look better, be more than we are, more acceptable etc
We take in this fake promise that everything will be magically better if we do X, Y or Z.

Often we can think we are recovering, or healthy or even recovered, because we *eat* and we eat *healthily*
But that isn't always the case.
I talk about how to recognise and identify and how to watch out for such instances.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Friday-13/01/12-Fabulous Friday-Rachel-Challenging Misconceptions of Eat...
Men Get Eating Disorders Too

I am sorry this is on a Friday again!
Today I discuss misconceptions with Eating Disorders.
How other people see them, but also how YOU see them.
Sometimes those around us and society confirm our fears of what we *think* we are with an Eating Disorder.
Other times we think we are certain things and put that message out there.
Eating Disorders are more often than not completely misrepresented; in the media, by others and such.
I try to work with that and understand that.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Emotions ♥

Yes yes, you need to get a copy of this.
I gave it out to my H.O.P.E members and I think it is actually a really wonderful means of trying to state how we feel.
And whilst each image is individually interpreted, I find that at least it is giving voice to a feeling.

I have used it many times, and I know a lot of treatment teams use it.

Many people with Eating Disorders also struggle with Alexithymia and this can make understanding and expressing our emotions and feelings very difficult indeed.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Thursday-05/01/12-Thankful Thursday-Rachel-Distorted Perceptions of Your...

This week we go back to the last part of the rota, before beginning a new one next week.
Today I discuss distorted perceptions...
Of your body, of your personality, of who you are, of how others perceive you...
I talk about the conflict that can arise from this within yourself and in relationships with others.
I also discuss the various distortions that exists such as black and white thinking, self-blame, misconceptions etc