"Open your eyes, you can fly."
~Elena Kalis~
Last week the Werfreedomfighters team did a collection of videos on healthy role models, recovery, inspiration and the value of those relationships in recovery and in life really.
I didn't get chance to make a video, but this is a topic that always interests me and always makes me want to share my thoughts and feelings on it all.
The above image is by the wonderful Elena Kalis and is just perfect for the depiction of freedom and letting go.
Recovery and health are really the two things that allow us to live our lives to the best of our capacity and also in a way that brings out the best in us and in those around us.
Recovery and health can however appear to be elusive creatures.
Often within the Eating Disorder arena, we are told that true recovery doesn't exist.
That if a person is to recover, then they were never really *that* ill.
There is often a lot of jealousy and envy wrapped into Eating Disorders and that can be implemented and acted out in sickness and in health.
I am one of those who believes in full and complete recovery.
I believe I not only have achieved that, I also believe that in achieving that, I can, as it were, be a role model for that possibility.
I am far from alone.
I know many of wonderful, amazing and inspiring men and women who have fully recovered.
In fully recovering, many have gone on to be advocates in mental health and Eating Disorders.
Some are activists, some are grass route campaigners, some volunteer, some run charities, some are training to be a professional in the field.
There are numerous ways we can make a difference to those in recovery and to those who are struggling.
Often by engaging ourselves in positive activism, advocacy and awareness, we reaffirm just what we too are capable of.
In acting as a mentor, peer or role model for another, we also act as one for ourselves.
I know most who take the position of mentor, or recovery worker or facilitator are doing so with their heart.
They do it because they are choosing to make a difference.
In making a difference they act as angels of hope.
They fill others with strength, courage, support, belief, endurance and motivation.
I have discussed role models a few times whilst being part of the team.
In this video I look at;
Who are the women that have most influenced you in your life? Describe the characteristics they have not related to appearance. What makes them special? How can we use this to understand that our value is also not based on body size and shape?
My videos often tell you how to recover, this one shares a little in the why !
"Asking why recover? Is like asking a seed, why grow?"
Recovery is on going, and yet, with persistence can and does, allow fully recovery to be achieved. I am living proof of that.
Recovery is enduring, hard and exhausting.
It will be the hardest thing you ever do.
BUT it is so worth it.
i love the seed quote. thanks so much for this post. i really needed it this week.
ReplyDeleteyou're amazing.